DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-16-23
The article considers the issue of implementing a national project that is of enormous importance for the state and for every person, as it is associated with the formation of human capital in the new reality of modern development of society, where the most important competencies are the ability to think unconventionally and creatively, the ability to logically build a chain of reasoned evidence, the ability to work in a team and hear the opinions of others and analyze them. The project covers almost all aspects of the educational process, but has undergone changes that, from our point of view, are not optimal, since one of the projects within the overall project is the most important, since it directly concerns the closest environment of the student-this is a teacher who, from our point of view, is the basis of the educational process and should have a separate project with clear and adequate goals, tasks and financial assessment of the teacher’s work The most important unsolved problem remains the problem of further maintenance, repair, and updating of equipment, which should now fit into the framework of the municipal task, which is quite difficult to do with the current algorithm for generating tasks. We consider it necessary to ensure the paradigm of the teacher’s place and role in the educational process as a basic element of the education system, an indispensable factor in the formation of human capital for the development of the economy as a whole.
Keywords: national project, human capital, teacher as the most important basis of educational process, budget, problems of maintenance, repair of equipment obtained under the national project
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 16 — 23
Downloads: 673