DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-6-159-167
The formation of professional speech culture is associated with various aspects of the activity of the person in the process of cognition, reflects his personal properties and is reflected in the speech act. The relevance is due to the fact that under the conditions of ongoing transformations, it becomes necessary to revise and reassess the ideas about professional culture and comprehend the patterns of formation of the professional speech culture of the person in the process of cognition and the conditions for its formation. The purpose of the article is to formulate the principles of the formation of professional speech culture, due to the unity of the personal culture of the person in the process of cognition and the professional speech act. On the basis of theoretical and methodological analysis, the content of the concept of “professional speech culture” of the person in the process of cognition is derived, its connection with the external contexts of educational activity that influence the formation of the internal context of the person in the process of cognition is described; a speech act is analyzed as a unit of activity and its conditionality by theoretical contexts that influence the dynamics of change in the person in the process of cognition as they acquire a professional culture and develop and manifest their personal culture, forming a professional speech culture represented in a speech act. The practical significance of the article lies in revealing the unity of the personal culture of the person in the process of cognition and the professional speech act and formulating the principles for the formation of the professional speech culture of the person in the process of cognition.
Keywords: professional speech culture, professional speech act, person in the process of cognition, contextual education, personal culture of the subject of cognition, internal cross-cultural context
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Issue: 6, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 159 — 167
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