DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-6-114-121
The article observes the problem of patriotic education of teenagers in modern condition of information war, which is also aimed at the younger generation. It marks the destructive influence of consumer subculture, domination of pseudo-art over true art and culture, which leads to deformation of value understanding about truth, kindness and beauty, sense of patriotism and love for Motherland. The irreplaceable role of art in the patriotic education of modern teenagers is substantiated by nothing else, since the emotional and sensual component (love for the motherland and its people, pride in past victories in the struggle for independence, cultural achievements of our time and attachment to native places) is the main content of the concept of «patriotism» and works of art. Music, in contact with the subtlest movements of the human soul, is closer than other forms of art to the very essence of the sublime in nature, society, and the individual life of a person. Examples of the realization of the educational possibilities of works by domestic composers of a patriotic orientation (A. P. Borodin, D. D. Shostakovich, G. V. Sviridov) by students-musicians during pedagogical practice in a comprehensive school are given. The choice of creations reflects different periods of Russian history: from XII century till our days. Justification of the methodical approaches in solving the problems of patriotic education of teenagers on the examples of listening and performance of the music of the Russian composers is confirmed by the data of oral and written interviews of 7th grade students, which allow us to estimate a fairly high level of their patriotic education at this age stage of development.
Keywords: patriotism, Motherland, Homeland, education, schoolchildren, music lesson, creation, Russian composers
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Issue: 6, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 114 — 121
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