DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-6-95-103
Within the framework of the study, project activity was considered as an effective method and means of teaching, having a wide range of instrumental possibilities for mastering knowledge by students, activating internal motives in achieving results on mastering the system of operations in the process of practical activity. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of the application of the provisions of the project approach with the integration of digital technology tools in the organization of additional education classes to increase the motivational potential of students. Within the framework of research activities through the use of research methods adequate to the purpose: theoretical analysis in order to comprehend the information material accumulated in pedagogical science based on the results of scientific work of domestic and foreign authors, its generalization, systematization and interpretation, questionnaires, pedagogical observation and experiment, as well as statistical methods for mathematical analysis of the results of the experimental part of the study. The results of the study, expressed by the data recorded during the pedagogical experiment, indicate the effectiveness of the application of the provisions of the project approach with the integration of digital technology tools in the organization of additional education classes. The difference between the motivational potentials of students of the control and experimental groups averaged 27.45 points at the control stage of the pedagogical experiment, which gave grounds for stating the high efficiency of the proposed technology for organizing classes of the robotics circle of the municipal institution of additional education of the Tyumen region. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of applying its results in planning and organizing the activities of robotics circles in municipal institutions of additional education during the development of programs with the prediction of positive results of student learning.
Keywords: additional education, robotics, project approach, project activity, motivational resource, students
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Issue: 6, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 95 — 103
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