DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-105-113
Ensuring environmental safety is one of the highest priority tasks facing modern society. The growing negative human impact on the natural environment, including as a result of the activities of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies, has a destructive effect on the environment, causing changes in the ecological balance of nature. It is possible to significantly change the current situation as a result of the development of science, socialization of the individual, upbringing and education. The modern system of higher education makes new demands on the personal qualities of future leaders of all levels: open-mindedness, interest in innovations, a high level of creativity, the ability to take responsibility in difficult professional situations. In this regard, the issue of the formation of the competence of environmental safety among the cadets of the logistics faculty is especially acute. Theoretical studies have been carried out to assess the formation of competencies in a higher educational institution. The opinions of various researchers in the examination of educational results and the formation of assessment complexes in the practice of modern higher education are considered. Based on the study and analysis, the most significant approaches for assessing the competence of environmental safety have been determined. The descriptors of the cognitive, value-motivational and activity-practical components of the competence of environmental safety are highlighted. A description of the levels of formation of the competence of environmental safety has been prepared. Thus, in the rapidly changing modern world, the constant improvement of new approaches to defining goals, results, and, consequently, criteria for assessing the quality of higher professional education will be the key to training a logistics officer competent in environmental safety, who meets the requirements of all interested parties.
Keywords: environmental safety, environmental safety competence, approaches to the assessment of competencies, descriptors, cadet
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 105 — 113
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