DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-67-72
The problem of improving the quality of methodological and subject training of future teachers is raised. Subject and methodological deficits of graduates of pedagogical universities actualize attention to the issues of metamethodics, which is interpreted by the authors as a link between the laws of classical didactics and the principles of teaching methods for individual academic subjects. It is shown that even the classics of didactics spoke about the need to allocate a special area in pedagogy, which will generalize empirical methodological experience and thereby identify the most effective forms and methods of teaching. It is assumed that the methodology can link the teaching and learning paradigms, focus on the managerial aspect of pedagogical activity, and develop effective learning scenarios. Reflections on metamethodics allow the authors to identify a special professional competence of a modern teacher: metamethodics as a set of subject, methodological and activity aspects. Due to this, the methodology can become a new theoretical basis for building educational activities at different levels and in different types of education. In the future, it will be important to study metametodics as an interdisciplinary phenomenon and identify its educational resources for building educational activities taking into account current global trends in the development of education.
Keywords: methodology, didactics, teaching, learning, educational activities, the competence of the teacher
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 67 — 72
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