DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-5-146-156
The authors present a review of the main studies devoted to the study of urban and rural foster families. Also they provide statistics on the placement of children in foster families in large cities and rural areas. The aim of the study was to identify the types and relationship of life values of parents and teenagers in foster families of metropolis and the countryside. The aim of experimental study is to identify the specifics of life values, the personality orientation of the adoptive parents of the metropolis and the countryside. The study covered 156 foster parents of the metropolis and 148 foster parents of the countryside, 112 teenagers living with foster parents of the metropolis, and 98 adolescents living with foster parents in the countryside, aged 14–15 years. The study of life values, resilience of foster parents and teenagers was carried out through the methodology of M. Rokich. To study the relationship between the life values of foster parents and adolescents, the Spearman criterion (p) was used. The authors of the real study have revealed the preferred terminal values and instrumental values of adoptive parents and teenagers of the metropolis and the countryside. They have also identified the equivalent ranks which are important for adoptive parents and teenagers of a metropolis according to terminal values: health, material well-being. The ones have found the discrepancies in such values as life wisdom, freedom, the presence of good and faithful friends, knowledge. The coincidence of instrumental values is honesty, education. The authors noted that there were coincidences between adoptive parents and teenagers of the countryside on the scales of terminal values – health, interesting work, the beauty of nature, a happy family life, the happiness of others, creativity, confidence. There was a coincidence in instrumental values – tolerance, courage, efficiency, firm will, education, breadth of views. The researches have established the interconnections between instrumental values of foster parents and teenagers in foster families of the metropolis and the countryside, the terminal values of parents and teenagers in foster families of the countryside and the absence of such connections in foster families of the metropolis. The researches have concluded the most significant factors affecting the presence and absence of relationships between parents and teenagers from foster families of the metropolis and the countryside are lifestyle, family traditions. The results can be applied in the selection, training and support of foster parents in the centers of comprehensive support of foster families.
Keywords: life values, resilience, foster parents of metropolis, foster parents of the countryside, life values of teenagers from foster families
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 146 — 156
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