DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-185-190
True development of personality is associated with the departure from adaptability as an adaptation in an externally determined reality to the preadaptive nature of activity. Preadaptive allows shaping properties of the individual that facilitates the passage of crisis situations. The preadaptive strategy for the building of meanings of life activity is based on the desire for selftranscendence as a way to go beyond the boundaries of what a person has mastered in order to find and realize his true purpose. For real personal growth, the prospect of further development is necessary , which means a transition from self-actualization to self-transcendence, which allows you to interact with the extra-positive reality on the basis of the highest meaning plans of human existence in the world. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of selftranscendence, which is the basis of the preadaptive strategy of meaning building. Analysis of such features of self-transcendence as: the ability to overcome the experience of the finiteness of his existence; the experience of insight; initiating the activity of a socially significant act; the preservation of subjectivity; the ability to positively undergo existential crises; a tolerance for ambiguity; creativity; responsibility in search for his own destiny. The results obtained allow us to formulate a definition of a preadaptive meaning-forming strategy.
Keywords: meaning, meaning sphere, preadaptivity, creativity, self-transcendence, meaning-building strategy
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 185 — 190
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