DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-122-132
The results of a scientific and pedagogical analysis of the current state of non-formal education as an andragogical practice are presented. The features of the informal professional community activities in the context of using its opportunities for the teachers’ professional development are shown. Scientifically based ideas about the typology of informal professional communities, the patterns of their functioning are given. The expediency of integrating the practices of non-formal teachers’ education and their master’s training is substantiated. The methods of such integration at the target and organizational-methodological levels are indicated. The experience of Tomsk State Pedagogical University FSBEI HE (TSPU) on the design of modular basic educational programs for master’s training in pedagogical orientation on the basis of FSES HE 3 ++ is summarized through the combination of state educational standards and professional standards. An expert author’s vision of ways to realize the educational potential of the interaction of subjects included in the practice of non-formal teachers’ professional communities, graduate students and the teaching community of the pedagogical university is proposed. The results of research as well as scientific and methodological work of TSPU specialists on updating approaches to the construction of the content and organizational-activity formats of master’s training are indicated. The materials of the article are prepared on the basis of such research methods as theoretical analysis, survey, expert method.
Keywords: andragogical practice, non-formal education, informal teachers’ professional communities, master’s training of teachers, integration, educational potential for integrating of educational practices
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 122 — 132
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