DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-2-40-47
The article is devoted to the problem of the future teacher inclusion in interaction with the family in the process of teaching practice. The transition to tiered education in universities, the importance of meeting the new requirements of the State and society offer new challenges for pedagogical practice, increase its value in mastering pedagogical competences, the basics of teaching and educational work. Pedagogical practice as one of the forms of vocational training in the university relies on theoretical professional knowledge and provides grounds for practical cognition of patterns and principles of education and upbringing. In the educational process the course work and cognitive activity of future teachers is closely related to the academic disciplines of theoretical training. During teaching practice, theoretical knowledge is therefore used in solving practical problems. Teaching practice, serving as an activity, is interpreted as the interdependence of internal and external substantive activity, the coordination of goals, objectives, motivations, conditions for their achievement. Internal actions imply planning, foreseeing the outcome, understanding the purpose, principles and mode of action and implementation criteria. External actions imply organization of real practical activity and interaction with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. This situation is characteristic of the future teacher’s activities during the teaching practice, which contributes to the development of general pedagogical knowledge and skills. The content of teaching practice is aimed at students’ development of cognitive, activity and emotional-personal components (criteria) of vocational training for interaction with the family. In the course of the experimental work the level of students’ preparedness for interaction was assessed. The results showed positive dynamics of changes in the components of students’ preparedness for interaction.
Keywords: teaching practice, vocational training, activity, future teacher, interaction with family
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 40 — 47
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