DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-48-53
The article aims to examine the transformation of the educational environment in the discipline of foreign language in a non-linguistic higher education institution. The educational environment is a psychological and pedagogical reality, containing specially organized conditions for personality formation, as well as opportunities for development, included in social and spatial-objective environment. Here we consider the definitions of the educational environment, the data of various scientists, which emphasize the mutual influence of the environment and the individual. The requirements of the current environment are in constant conflict with the requirements of a modern person and are updated, enabling the individual to learn the language in its existing state, for specific purposes. When analyzing interaction patterns in the process of studying a foreign language, the author comes to the conclusion that their diversity corresponds to a real language environment. Joint activities contribute to the convergence of educational models with real models of communication. The role of the teacher, in this aspect, is to teach students with constantly updated content, keeping the scope of the educational process. On the basis of this study the author developed the algorithm for creating the educational environment that include variable components. This algorithm facilitates the change management of the educational environment in the discipline of foreign language.
Keywords: educational environment, language environment, learning technology, learning a foreign language, models of interaction, higher education, collaborative learning, multimedia in the educational process
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 48 — 54
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