DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-9-15
Developing research competence of future doctors is a crucial task of medical higher education institution. To solve this task one should create conditions for developing students’ capacity for self-identity and personal fulfillment, self-education and self-consistency. Most of the students are intent only on practice activities in the future, but there are students, who, while studying, extensively participate in researches that university departments do. To be successful in independent medical practice and scientific-research practice future doctors should have research competence. The author proposes and describes a model of developing this competence. The author chooses person-centered approach as a theoretical and methodological background. The approach sets a student as the main character of the whole educational process and is aimed at solving problems connected with professional selfidentity, professional viewpoint formation, search of professional identity. Special focus is on educational technologies which allow implementing person-centered approach and contribute to developing research competence, such as interactive lectures, mind maps, case problems, decision tree, project-based learning. Introduction of such a method in the educational process, in author’s mind, will allow developing research competence on different levels depending on students’ human personality and their future professional direction. This will help graduates to be as much realized in their professional activity in the future as possible.
Keywords: higher medical education, person-centered approach, competence approach, contextual approach, doctors’ research competence, model of developing research competence of future doctors, educational technologies
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 9 — 15
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