DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-85-91
Questions of preservation and strengthening of psychological health of students are considered. The influence of methods of pedagogy on the psychological state of students is determined. The choice of teaching methods depends on the psychological state of the student and the social climate of the class. The system-activity approach to the design of teaching methods using the video method was used. The following theoretical methods were used: the study and analysis of special psychopedagogical and scientific-methodological research; analysis of educational and methodological documentation, general theoretical methods of analysis, synthesis, theoretical modeling. The functions of test control are detailed: didactic, educational, diagnostic and preventive, corrective and their influence on the psychological state of students. The didactic function of the video method is directly related to the principle of visibility. Educational function of the video method is that with the help of this technology to create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of socially positive behavior. The corrective function is aimed at minimizing the risks associated with improper use of the video method. The diagnostic and prophylactic function of using the video method consists in the possibility of recording phenomena and processes that are important from the point of view of analyzing the psychological state of participants in educational relations. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of psychological health of students using a video method are revealed.
Keywords: video method, didactic function, educational function, correction function, diagnostic-preventive function
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 85 — 91
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