DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-135-141
Considers the question of formation of readiness of bachelors of pedagogical education for implementation of innovative learning technologies, involving the transition from school-oriented cognitive model of graduates for school development cultural basic abilities. In the school the educational standards of a new generation of laid down requirements for metasubject results of training, however, it is important to understand that these results can only be obtained by the application of technologies of this type. Interdisciplinary technology of training is aimed at ensuring the unity of common cultural, personal and cognitive development of the student, continuity of all levels of the educational process, the formation of the whole imaginative vision of the world. The characteristic of readiness for application of interdisciplinary technology as an integrative professional qualities of a future teacher’s personality is given. It allows him to carry out the relevant teaching of mathematics, in-depth formation of knowledge and skills, development of test materials for assessment of interdisciplinary learning outcomes. The structure and content of the elective course focused on preparing future mathematics teachers to the development of cognitive skills of students in learning geometry. Describes the main aspects of methods of organization of educational-professional activity of future teachers as part of the course. Focuses on developing bachelors’ skills in designing basic components of activity of pupils at lessons of geometry: motivational, activity and control-evaluation.
Keywords: interdisciplinary educational technologies, willingness to use interdisciplinary learning technologies, educational-professional activity of future teachers of mathematics, educational activities of students, thinking skills in geometry
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 135 — 141
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