DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-105-110
The article poses the problem of foreign text information interpretation teaching by students of non-linguistic specialties in the conditions of written communication. This problem is actualized by the need of the society in professionally “mobile” and competitive specialists able to understand and process foreign language information. The author illustrated the written interpretation teaching by the example of the original texts on the topic “Public Health in Germany” to acquaint students with the peculiarities of this system. The author has developed new methods of written interpretation teaching: denotatum maps, the original text and the text-abstract comparative characteristics composing, highlighting communication blocks and thematic chains, the distribution of key points for the main components, text editing. The article presents the results of research on teaching written interpretation of the original foreign-language text of first-year students of Institute of Power Engineering of Tomsk polytechnic university. New methods for written interpretation teaching and their efficiency have been proved experimentally. The author analysed students’ works on quantitative and qualitative criteria. Two groups (experimental and control) participated in the experimental teaching for a more efficient calculation of the results. The author used mathematical calculations to count them. Measured data confirmed the goal of the research.
Keywords: written interpretation, reading, original foreign-language text, technology, text information
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 105 — 110
Downloads: 842