DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-98-104
The problem of teenagers’ communication with film art is considered, the urgency of forming a spectator culture for the younger generation in the classroom is explained from a practical point of view. The age features of adolescent children are determined, proving the necessity and expediency of forming a spectator culture among them: the tendency to imitate the heroes of a work of art, the desire to communicate in life and in art, the importance of the social nature of activity. An important component of spectator culture is singled out – an aesthetic attitude to cinema art, which is interpreted as an integral perception of the film in the unity of its content and form. For the planning and organization of further work with adolescents in the school film club, a questionnaire is conducted, the purpose of which is to determine the problems of communication between schoolchildren and filmmaking. The questions of the questionnaire are aimed at revealing the knowledge of adolescents about cinematography, the need to communicate with the best examples of cinematography, to determine the nature of the appeal to films (cognitive, entertaining, etc.). On the basis of the analysis of adolescents’ questionnaires, a number of questions and tasks have been formulated that need to be taken into account in the development of the curriculum for the cinema club, the subject of films for pupils’ perception, lecture classes (formation of a stable need for communication with highly artistic samples of cinema, knowledge of the specifics of the cinema, its types and genres; the exclusion of the surface perception of the works of cinematography, preference of entertaining cinema genres , etc.).
Keywords: problems of communication with cinema art, spectator culture, adolescents, questioning, aesthetic attitude to film art
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 98 — 104
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