DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-9-22
The article is the result of theoretical and experimental study of content of the concepts “intrapersonal conflict” and “psychological factors”. It regards psychological causes, characteristics and uniqueness of interpersonal conflicts of the post-graduate students whose field of study is “pedagogical education”. The article reveals the psychological factors causing intrapersonal conflict and impact of trainings on its distinct manifestation and correction, as well as the interconnection of intrapersonal conflict with aggression, character accentuations and protective mechanisms of the post-graduate students whose field of study is “pedagogical education”. The study clarified the content of the concept of psychological factors of intrapersonal conflict and studied the content and characteristics of such psychological factors as aggression, character accentuation and defense mechanisms. In the process of research has been formed and tested the psychodiagnostic complex for studying psychological factors of intrapersonal conflict among the post-graduate students who study in the field of training “pedagogical education”; the complex, allowing to perform the diagnosis of personality, to offer recommendations to respondents for their further personal self-realization in professional activities. The training work aimed at correcting the distinct manifestation and the content of intrapersonal conflict is the best means of adequate and effective forms of psychological support of the individual, as well as one of the forms of educational activity of the post-graduate students of the Pedagogical University, in the process of which the pedagogical competence of the specialists whose field of study is “pedagogical education” are formed. The results of the study can be the basis of scientific and methodical recommendations on perfection of the process of education and professional development for the post-graduate students of pedagogical specialities and on the optimal adaptation of personality of the students of higher school to the professional activity.
Keywords: intrapersonal conflict, aggression, accentuation of character, defense mechanisms, psychological factors
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 9 — 22
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