Music education transformation in China: from origins to digital technologies
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-5-70-79
The development of musical training system in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), based on national traditions, both theoretically and practically, from its origins to the era of digital technology, is considered. For this purpose, the theoretical notions of musical professional education in China are systematized in correlation with the main historical stages of the country’s development and in the conditions of its reform. It is shown that modern music education in China dates back to the early twentieth century, when other countries had already formed music schools (in the broadest sense of the word); accordingly, the formation of Chinese musicology and music teaching methods initially relied on foreign traditions, including them in the millennial practical experience of mastering the musical art, accumulated by the ancient civilization. Since the adoption of the Western system of music education, many music courses and teaching methods have remained unchanged for many years. Modern music education places greater demands on the education of the teacher of higher education, the structure of knowledge, cultural development and quality of teaching, including mastery of digital technologies. At present, the level of training of Chinese music teachers is uneven, and it takes a large number of dedicated, hard-working, high-level music teachers to fill the gaps in Chinese music education that are holding back the development of Chinese music.
Keywords: music education, digitalization of education, digital technology, traditions of music education in China
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 70 — 79
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