DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-51-62
Multifunctionality of the modern elementary education connected to development of both thematic and metathematic, as well as the personal results, creates the problem of the educational assignments’ quality. Now the most effective assignments are those that help students to develop universal learning activities of all types, meaning that the elementary schools students learn both thematic and metathematic content. The goal of this article is to ascertain elementary school teachers capability to understand the essence of educational assignments and their preparedness to develop multifunctional assignments. The material for this research consists of elementary school teacher survey results. The method is provided by survey and theoretical analysis of scientific literature. The analysis of the data revealed that the teachers focus on the administrative function of the teacher, providing the assignment as an order that requires completion; are unable to name all the essential parts of the learning assignments and to define its functionality, thus narrowing the scope of assignment applicability in their own work. Most of the respondents rework the textbook assignments, yet the target potential remains the same, maintaining the focus on the subject results. During independent creation of the learning assignments most of the teachers have difficulties with ascertaining the target resource, providing accurate language material, organizing the completion, reflexion and evaluation, making quality formula of the assignment itself. The survey of the elementary school teachers allowed to reveal the most typical problems connected to the teacher preparedness to develop and use multifunctional educational assignments, which allows to ascertain areas of education concerning the creation of the educational assignments that help the elementary school students to form metathematical results.
Keywords: educational assignments, elementary school students, universal learning activities, elementary school teachers
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 51 — 62
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