Changes in the requirements of the educational system have identified an increase in the frequency of attention deficit disorder and adolescents’ minor cerebral dysfunction and its great social significance with students. Attention deficit disorder is a delay of the normal functioning of the central nervous system, manifesting in problems of concentrating and maintaining the properties of attention, learning and memory disturbance, the complexity of processing of exogenous and endogenous information. There is no doubt that the focus of scientific problems of minor cerebral dysfunction syndrome concentrates interests of various experts; they are teachers, neuropsychologists, speech therapists, neurologists, pediatricians. Scientific novelty of the article is in justification and detection of anatomical and morphological and biologically significant factors in the occurrence of the syndrome in the educational process. Toulouse–Pieroni test has been approved, a group of students with disturbances in concentration has been detected, and the heterogeneity structure of risk factors has been stated.
Keywords: students, minor cerebral dysfunction, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 46 — 51
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