DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-3-65-70
This article discusses the issues of formation and diagnostics of level of formation General competences of students of secondary vocational education. It is emphasized that one of the ways of intensification of this process is the creation of complex measurement instruments, criteria for their diagnosis and procedures for their assessment. On this basis it is proposed to use as one of the most effective diagnostic tools learning objectives designed taking into account the planned learning outcome. In this regard, the theoretical aspects of designing learning tasks and their systems for their further use in the process of formation and diagnostics of General competencies are considered. Analyzed the content of historical and pedagogical stages of formation of this category. Presents some of the most discussed in the scientific literature aspects of learning tasks, including their comparison with the category of “learning activities”, approaches to the definition, the establishment of the content of learning objectives and stages of its solution. The necessity to use not the individual learning tasks, and task systems. The definitions of the the educational assignment, educational task and the system of educational tasks from the position of the competence approach are proposed. The key methodological and theoretical grounds for the design of learning tasks are described, as well as the stages of this process.
Keywords: educational task, system of educational tasks, diagnostics, vocational education, design
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 65 — 70
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