The teacher of physical training as a subject of preventing obesity among school children
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-4-60-70
New highlights in the work of educational establishment concerning the formation of schoolchildren’ healthy lifestyle and revealing the features of modern technological way of life and a human in it are shown. The necessity of the formation of the future teacher of physical training readiness to solve the tasks of obesity prevention among school children is justified. The data of own empirical studies presenting the understanding of the future teachers of physical training of their professional subjectivity in this context are provided. The understanding of the future teachers (applicants of the Tomsk State Pedagogical College and Tomsk State Pedagogical University and the 2nd and 3rd year students of Tomsk State Pedagogical College) of the tasks, opportunities and means of the educational work of a school physical training teacher in the sphere of obesity prevention among school children is indicated. The authors’ perspective of (the method of educational design) the educational module aimed at the formation of physical training teacher’s competences connected with interdisciplinary interactions with teachers of other school subjects is presented. This view includes the solvation of the tasks dealing with the formation in schoolchildren of healthy lifestyle value and the health saving skills involving the aspect of obesity prevention in the practice of educational work. The perspectives of using medical and pedagogical projects aimed at the development of healthy lifestyle motivation in schoolchildren and the formation of the behavioral norms, connected with the obesity prevention are shown. The importance of interdisciplinary cooperation of specialists (both on the local level and on the level of interaction of different professional spheres) is actualized. The methods used in the investigation include: theoretical analysis, survey (questionnaire and interview).
Keywords: obesity prevention in schoolchildren, professional subjectivity of the teacher, prevention of excess weight as a multi-subjective practice, interdisciplinary interaction of school teachers, medical and pedagogical projects
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Issue: 4, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 60 — 70
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