Use of the “I-as-Project” magazine by university students
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-4-50-59
Successfully overcoming the challenges dictated by time, being adaptive, flexible and effective in all spheres of life is possible through self-development skills or “self-skills”. Technological solutions of personal growth journals, in which self-improvement is achieved through goal-setting, planning and reflection, can be an effective tool for the personal development of students at the university. Tomsk State Pedagogical University (TSPU) uses the magazine «I-as-a-Project» to support the personal development of students. It is an effective tool that helps students realize themselves as projects, plan their development and improvement. The journal allows students to define their goals and develop plans to achieve them, serves as a basis for their personal growth and success, enables participants in the educational process to track activity, analyze quantitative and qualitative changes in the work done, as well as evaluate the ratings of group members. As part of the educational process, the logbook can be used to track students’ progress, assess their learning outcomes and identify areas that require additional attention. This allows students to analyze their progress, identify problems and look for ways to solve them. In research activities, the journal can serve as a tool for recording, analyzing and evaluating research results, formulating ideas and planning future work. It is also useful for self-reflection, self-monitoring and identifying areas for further development. Within the framework of scientific research, the journal can be used as a tool for determining the level of personal development of students on the basis of statistical processing of quantitative data. The use of the journal «I-as-a-Project» contributes to the formation of active subjective position of the student in the educational and professional context, which is an important factor of successful personal development and professional growth.
Keywords: self-development, self-skills, personal development tool, journal of personal growth
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Issue: 4, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 50 — 59
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