About the teacher’s methodical credo
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-4-22-31
This study is devoted to the analysis of the pedagogical term and phenomenon “methodical credo”. Today, pedagogical science and education are not limited only to the pedagogical credo, which has existed for a long time and is the most used of all types of credo in relation to the activities of a teacher. The following types of credo, identified by the author of the article, are named: scientific credo, sociolinguistic credo, personal and professional credo. Synonyms for words “method” and “credo” are identified, as well as their common (mutual) synonyms, and synonyms for “pedagogical credo” and “methodical credo/creed” are grouped. The meaning of the terms closest to the methodical credo is clarified. The essence of the methodical credo presented in the scientific publications is summarized. The author of this study puts forward the assumptions about the reasons for the emergence of the methodical credo in contemporary domestic pedagogical science. Thus, a methodological credo, to a greater extent than a pedagogical one, correlates with the teacher’s pedagogical activity and his methodical training, acts as an alternative to algorithmization in teacher’s training and compensation for the formalization of this training. It reflects the development trends of Russian educational terminology. A conclusion is drawn about the prospects of further research into the methodical credo and its inclusion in methodical dictionaries.
Keywords: credo, method, teacher, pedagogical credo, methodical credo, teacher’s beliefs, individual teaching style
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Issue: 4, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 22 — 31
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