Quality management of formation of functional literacy of students in network interaction in the region
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-4-7-14
Managing the process of improving the quality of Russian education is associated with many strategic guidelines. The leading strategic guideline is a process aimed at improving the quality of the formation of functional literacy among schoolchildren, which will ensure that Russian education reaches the international level. The article reveals the features of the directions of theory and practice of organizing the process of quality management of the formation of functional literacy. The components of network interaction and the conditions for effective interaction of educational communities are revealed. The choice of the topic of the article is determined by the accumulated experience in organizing network interaction “school-university” in solving key problems of improving the quality of functional literacy among schoolchildren. Target. To reveal the theoretical and methodological foundations of network interaction in improving the quality of functional literacy of schoolchildren. Material and methods. Content analysis of scientific articles, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics and processing of the experiment result. Results and discussion. Theoretical and methodological foundations are revealed, the content of concepts on the research topic is revealed. The need to take into account the principles of interdisciplinarity and polyparadigm in ensuring the quality of the formation of functional literacy as a subject of research within various directions (historical, cultural, psychological-pedagogical, sociological, psychological) is shown. Conceptual frameworks have been developed for improving the quality of functional literacy development within the framework of network interaction, taking into account the areas of support (organizational, scientific-methodological, scientific-technological, analytical). The theoretical and practical results of the work became the basis for the creation of elective disciplines, a structural and functional model, implemented in the practice of the educational regional community. Conclusion. Theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects of working with teachers and educational organizations that help improve the quality of FG formation are revealed. The effectiveness of monitoring the improvement in the quality of formation of schoolchildren’s physical education in the network interaction of educational organizations in the region is shown. The need to expand the range of professional competencies of current and future teachers in addressing issues of improving the quality and managing the process of developing functional literacy is noted, which provides a new format for solving vital problems and effective socialization of the student’s personality in the region.
Keywords: functional literacy, networking, future teacher training, quality of education
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Issue: 4, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 7 — 14
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