DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-6-149-158
In order to provide psychological and pedagogical support in the upbringing and development of children of early and preschool age, parents’ requests to the Center for Counseling Assistance were analyzed, which touched upon the issues of upbringing and development of the child without obvious deviations in development. Content analysis of hits was used as an empirical method. 2 conditional groups of requests were identified. The first group included appeals where parents wanted to get advice on how to properly educate (develop) a child. The second group included appeals where parents wanted to «correct» the existing unacceptable forms of behavior, communication, and activities of the child. The results made it possible to identify the most popular requests, analyze the difficulties of parents in upbringing, correlate these difficulties with age periods and developmental characteristics of children. It was revealed that the main share of requests is due to: a) parents have no idea about the age characteristics of children, b) use inadequate upbringing methods that lead to negative consequences. Questioning of parents made it possible to establish their desire to increase their competence in matters of family education, to determine the preferred forms of counseling, to identify the lack of ideas about the capabilities and functions of psychological counseling centers. The information obtained made it possible to formulate recommendatory measures to improve parental competencies through the organization of psychological and pedagogical education.
Keywords: psychological counseling, parents, children of early and preschool age, parental competence, difficulties upbringing of children’s, forms of counseling, psychological and pedagogical education
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Issue: 6, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 149 — 158
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