DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-6-86-94
Pedagogical regionalization as one of the types of a more general process of regionalization is a principle and process of formation, operation and development of education in the regions, the methodology, practice and effectiveness of which is the result of its regionalization. Changing of socio-economic conditions results in changing of the regionalization concept, leading to changes in the components of school and university education. The diversity of ideological priorities in regionalization provides a variety of methodological and methodical approaches in the formation, operation and development of school and university education. The regionalization of the educational process is often underestimated, resulting in formalism in teaching and upbringing. The reason is the lack of systematic knowledge about regionalization as a principle, socio-pedagogical process and result. There is a lack of sufficient understanding of regionalization as a process, and its results have not been fully revealed. Research in the field of regionalization of education is becoming particularly relevant in the context of globalization. It seems necessary to include information of a local history in educational and methodological complexes on a foreign language. Local history should be considered as a private aspect of regionalization of education. It is local history materials about nature, history, economy, people and culture of the region that will significantly complement the informative component of a foreign language speech.
Keywords: regionalization of education, local history, dialogue of cultures, German
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Issue: 6, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 86 — 94
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