DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-6-49-61
It is generated a large amount of data in the modern world. The speed and quality of their transmission comes to the fore. Cross-cutting technologies allow to carry out efficient work with large amount of information, reduce the time for its processing. These technologies are developing, in particular, with effective use of digital tools in the educational environment. The article discusses digital tools that designed to help teachers in developing the universal competencies of students in technical fields. It is shown the relationship between digital and universal competencies based on the analysis of regulatory documents, scientific literature. The practical part presents the results of a survey of students in technical fields of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics on the preferences for the additional development of universal competencies. The leading universal competence is the competence in teamwork and leadership according to the respondents. Students also give preference to the formation of competencies related to project management, self-organization and self-development. It is concluded that the choice of tools remains with the teacher and it should always be correlated with the educational results and competencies formed within the educational process. In addition, a high-quality digital tool expands the teacher’s ability to form students’ universal competencies, thereby increasing their motivation through the familiar digital educational environment.
Keywords: universal competencies of students, digital economy, digital tool, higher education, digitalization of education
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Issue: 6, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 49 — 61
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