DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-6-39-48
The problem under review is formation of metadisciplinary results in elementary school students, most notably universal learning activity of modeling, which is considered by the renewed Federal Educational Standard for the elementary general education to be the basis for all metadisciplinary results. The symbolic skills of elementary school students are given an assessment. The reference is provided for the elements of the educational subjects for elementary school (concepts, actions, processes, teaching objectives, complete assignments), as well as for their practical application by the elementary school teacher. The formation of symbolic universal learning activities in the elementary school students, as well as the action of modeling, is to be performed during the completion of the multipurpose educational assignments, which have the increased didactic and methodical potential with metadisciplinary and subject-specific components. Performance of such learning activities by elementary school students results in discipline-related results, but also will form the universal learning activities of various types. Because the symbolic activities serve as a framework for all the universal learning activities, the assignments that pertain to the modeling activity are thus far the most impactful in the didactic sense, as their performance by the elementary school students trains the ability to plan further activities, perform them according to that plan, as well as the ability to perform all the types of logical universal learning activities. Inclusion of additional activities (testing, appraisal, communicative) will also promote formation of a broad spectrum of multidisciplinary results. The specification is provided for the organizational, technical and subject-related conditions that boost efficiency of the formation of the universal learning activities in the elementary school students.
Keywords: elementary school student, symbolic modeling, metadisciplinary results, class assignment, universal learning activities
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Issue: 6, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 39 — 48
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