DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-6-18-27
Living in a digital society requires modern citizens to acquire various skills and abilities, the set of which constitutes digital culture and digital literacy. The definition of the concept of «digital culture competencies», a model for the development of digital culture competencies of future educators, consisting of three blocks, are proposed. The functional-target block reflects the principles, functions and purpose of its implementation. The content-technological block consists of the content, methods, means and forms of training. To develop the competencies of digital culture, the author’s computer training course «Digital culture and digital literacy of educators» has been developed and proposed. The performance-criteria block contains a description of the results of the implementation of the model, the levels of development of digital culture and diagnostic tools for assessing the competencies of digital culture of educators. The proposed structural and functional model ensures the full development of all competencies that make up the digital culture of future educators, which corresponds to the strategic direction of the development of the education system in the context of digital transformation and the interests of the individual in an actively developing digital society.
Keywords: digital culture, digital literacy, competencies of digital culture, structural and functional model, digital competences, teacher, university
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Issue: 6, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 18 — 27
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