DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-3-79-89
The article shows modern specifics of interaction between universities and the regional labor market in the context of promoting employment of the population from the perspective of a new worldview – the ecosystem approach. Authors give substantiation of trends and directions of regional andragogical practices’ development (additional professional education) related to the activities of employment services in the logic of ecosystem synergy and the value of human capital assets development outlining the advantages of such synergy and ways to achieve it. The article summarizes empirical materials of employment services in the Tomsk region (2017-2021) on the testing of new andragogical services of an anthropocentric orientation, including the experience of the national project «Demography” (Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Kemerovo, Arkhangelsk, Volgograd regions and Kamchatka Krai). It presents the results of statistical data analysis reflecting the interrelationships of educational programs that were used to train citizens aimed at changes in employment (unemployed; citizens in labor relations, but looking for another job; women on parental leave; people of preretirement and retirement age), and the results of new employment scenarios for such people. This work explains and justifies reasons for such interrelations and ways of influencing them. The authors actualize the need for the anthropocentric transformation of andragogical practices, including additional vocational education, which creates the provision of new planned effects (socially significant results) through the ecosystem synergy of education, labor market and employment services (with their intermediary function) which is an important area of activity of Russian university communities. Authors used the following methods to prepare the materials of this article: survey (questionnaire, interview), biographical method, expert method, educational design.
Keywords: human capital assets, adults, regional education system, adragogical practice, labour market, ecosystem approach
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 79 — 89
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