DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-83-91
The problem of the development of social innovations, including in the field of education, has acquired unprecedented theoretical and practical significance in the last decade. This is due to the transition to the formation of a modern society, the development of which is based on knowledge and the financial crisis of 2008. Social innovations change established social practices, are mainly implemented in the form of projects, the content of which is aimed at solving socially significant social problems, and need to be managed at all stages of the life cycle (from idea to diffusion). In educational organizations, to ensure the diffusion of social innovations in the field of education, it is advisable to use mentoring. Based on the analysis of successful cases of diffusion of social innovations in the educational sphere, the article examines mentoring as: a) preparing the teaching staff for changes in social practice; b) a mechanism for restoring the context of social innovation and its reproduction; c) an asset of an educational organization working in the markets “without money”; d) a mechanism for the reproduction of teaching staff. The importance of a three-component mentoring system in an educational organization is substantiated: mentoring for mentors, mentoring for teachers and mentoring students. The materials of the article can become the basis for continuing research on the diffusion of social innovations in the field of education and the transformation of the existing mentoring systems in educational organizations.
Keywords: social innovation, diffusion of social innovation, educational organizations, mentoring, professional development, teaching staff
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 83 — 91
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