DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-6-162-177
The article presents an analysis of the consistent development of the foundations of folk pedagogy and ethnopedagogy in history. The purpose of the research is to analyze the ethnopedagogical principles of teaching and upbringing developing at key moments in history that led to the formation of ethnopedagogy as an independent science. At the present moment a sufficient amount of information is presented in pedagogy that testifies about the stage-by-stage course of these processes. However, due to the analysis of the narrow side of the development of folk pedagogy and ethnopedagogy, most often in relation to the context of their formation on the territory of Russia, their general plan of formation turns out to be lost. This emphasizes the relevance of the study. The process of the formation of ethnopedagogy is described from the moment of development of prenatal society during the primitive communal system (400–35 thousand BC), which laid the first ethnopedagogical foundations: not only survival skills, but also the skills of creating objects of cultural heritage, up to the New (late XVIII – 1917) and New time (1917 – present), when many ethnopedagogical principles were transformed due to the understanding of the need for the younger generation to study not only their native culture, but also the cultures of other peoples living in the same territory, so that they coexistence was based on respect and concern for each other. The principles of ethnopedagogy are highlighted (labor principle, the principle of family, continuity of upbringing and education, traditionality, conformity to nature, the game principle, the principle of morality, cultural conformity, etc.) and, the conclusion based on the historical analysis of their formation is made: these principles are the basis of modern domestic education system’s successful functioning and development having as a special feature its orientation towards ethnocultural education and upbringing.
Keywords: folk pedagogy, ethnopedagogy, principles of upbringing, teaching, training, and education
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 162 — 177
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