DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-6-114-124
The importance of physical culture and sports in human life, associated with maintaining the health of the nation as a whole and ensuring individual health and working capacity of the individual in particular, is realized in the form of physical education carried out in educational institutions, including universities. A high level of physical fitness of students will ensure their ability to perform high-quality future work activities. In order to assess the level of physical fitness of students within the framework of their physical education at the university, it is possible to use the standards of the GTO complex as a universal evaluation mechanism that allows identifying the most physically developed representatives of this generation. The purpose is to determine the compliance of the level of physical fitness of modern students of non-physical education specialties with the norms of the GTO complex and to identify on this basis ways to improve the physical training of students in the conditions of a modern university. The materials for the study were theoretical and empirical data obtained on the basis of the use of methods of theoretical analysis of special literature and advanced pedagogical experience, pedagogical experiment, control tests, mathematical and statistical methods of data processing and analysis. When studying the advanced pedagogical experience accumulated in our country since the introduction of the revived GTO standards in 2014, reflected in relevant publications, as well as scientific and methodological literature in the field of physical education, it was shown that at present the level of physical fitness of students does not always meet the requirements of GTO standards. This fact was proved experimentally, by conducting control tests on the basis of the Mari State University. This indicated that additional work is required on the physical training of students, and those indicators of physical fitness of students that require the greatest development were also identified. Methodological recommendations were formulated to improve the physical training of students in accordance with the standards of the GTO. The expediency of using the GTO standards as a system for assessing students’ physical fitness was theoretically justified and empirically proved.
Keywords: GTO standards, physical fitness, physical education, physical training of students, assessment of physical fitness
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 114 — 124
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