DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-6-9-16
The issue of the development of cognitive activity of senior preschoolers is considered. The development of this type of activity depends on a number of factors, among which pedagogical conditions can be distinguished. One of the effective pedagogical conditions for the development of the cognitive activity of older preschoolers is the maximum reliance on the active mental activity of children. The types of problem situations are listed: 1) situationchoice; 2) a situation of uncertainty; 3) conflict situation; 4) situation-paradox; 5) the situation with the hypothesis; 6) situation with the refutation; 7) situation-inconsistency. It is noted that the tension of an older preschooler of intellectual forces to solve tasks or search for an answer to a question is the basis for the development of his mental activity, cognitive interest and the manifestation of activity. The use of situations and questions of a problematic nature by the teacher in work with children of senior preschool age contributes to the intensification of the mental activity of children, thereby increasing their activity in the process of searching for new knowledge and information, the formation of new skills in the cognitive sphere. At the same time, the proposed methods should be used by the teacher not separately from each other, but in aggregate, since they complement each other, involving collective discussion of situations by children and the search for answers, problem solving, and productive cognitive activity. This article provides practical examples of proposed methods to stimulate children’s cognitive activity.
Keywords: cognitive activity, senior preschooler, problem situations, case study, heuristic conversation, activation of mental activity
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 9 — 16
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