DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-91-97
The article analyzes the current state of vocational education. Vocational education is considered as a social phenomenon. The characteristics of vocational education as a component of the educational system at the present stage of development are presented. It is noted that the current state of vocational education is at the level of modernization in favor of the use of innovative educational technologies. Attention is focused on the main trend of modern professional education – its digitalization. Integration of the Russian vocational education system into the world educational system is one of the priorities of the state educational policy. It is noted that the basis of modern vocational education is at the level of modernization in favor of the use of innovative educational technologies. The principles underlying modern education are highlighted: continuity, practice-orientedness, integration, continuous professional development, learning “online + offline. The situation caused by the coronavirus COVID-19 led to the fact that educational institutions were forced to switch to new formats of education (distance and online learning). The main factors that influenced this situation are the COVID-19 pandemic, the accumulated international experience, the modern needs of society and the market economy. It is noted that, despite the technological and organizational difficulties, common approaches to professional training remotely and online were developed, a database of educational content was created.
Keywords: vocational education, pandemic, digitalization, distance learning, online education, proctoring
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 91 — 97
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