DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-5-164-174
The article emphasizes the importance of developing children’s spiritual and moral qualities in the process of improving and developing self-regulation training and the formation of children’s self-regulating skills using the ancient Eastern health practice of Wushu. The influence of two programs of self-regulation development on the physical and psychological state of preschool and primary school children is compared: 1) the program for the formation of self-regulating skills based on the ancient Eastern health practice of Wushu (emphasis on physical and spiritual and moral development); 2) the program for the formation of selfregulating skills based on the ancient Eastern health practice of Wushu (emphasis on physical development). The pilot study uses the method of psychophysical development of children using traditional elements of Wushu T. N. Bruk. The comparison is based on the indicators evaluated by the methods: E. O. Smirnova and V. M. Kholmogorova, assessment of physical development. The results of the study showed that program 1 – self-regulation training with reference to the actualization of spiritual and moral qualities allowed children to progress much more than program 2, which is associated with the development of self-regulation skills only at the physical level. In the first case, children developed more actively both in terms of physical characteristics (strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination) and personal parameters (motivation to study, discipline, initiative, sensitivity to peer influences, emotional background).
Keywords: self-regulating skills, spiritual and moral qualities, health-improving and developing training
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 164 — 174
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