DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-91-96
The problem of organizing mentoring is analyzed as a mechanism for the implementation of lifelong adult education, as a mechanism for in-company training of employees, which allows them to be fixed and adapted in the profession. Mentoring is considered as a joint activity of an experienced teacher and a young specialist, aimed at the professional and personal development of all participants in the activity. A comparative analysis of the organization of mentoring is made from the position of a teacher’s closed and open professionalism, taking into account criteria such as: purpose, content, nature of interaction, forms of collaboration, type of professional samples, results. Various options for implementing the practice of mentoring are considered: supervision, mentoring, coaching, tutoring. Given these options, different types of mentors have been identified that can accompany a young specialist, not only for adaptation, but also for immersion in the innovative space of an educational organization. The conclusion is drawn about the need to study the effectiveness of different mentoring practices and study its contents, forms, results and effects, including the search for mechanisms for co-organizing approaches to mentoring in the logic of a teacher’s closed and open professionalization.
Keywords: mentoring, joint activity, open and closed professionalism, lifelong education of adults
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 91 — 96
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