DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-2-157-163
The results of the research on the professional and personal self-determination of teenagers in pedagogical classes in pre-revolutionary and modern Tomsk are presented in the article. It is determined that the subject of self-determination has not been fully examined in scientific and methodical literature: the interest in professional determination prevails over the personal one. The elimination of this gap in studying the historical experience allowed us to establish specific character of correlation of the personal and professional self-determination in students training, to show the defining educational effects for children staying in pedagogical classes and to track the influence of training on their adulthood. It appeared, that the process of professional self-determination in teaching classes accompanied improvement of effectiveness of “self-determination” process which is typical of adolescence. It is important that the indispensable success of personal self-determination in pedagogical classes was not the main reason for selecting the teacher’s career. This rejection of the teaching profession, which student do not find appealing, should not be considered as a less useful result than the entering the pedagogical university by the applicant. Finally, according to the analysis of the interviews of teachers and graduates of pedagogical classes in Tomsk it turned possible to show the leading educational effects of students’ staying in these educational structures and to trace the impact of the pre-service teacher training in their adulthood.
Keywords: professional and personal self-determination, pedagogical class, additional education for children, pedagogics
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 157 — 163
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