DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-163-168
In Mongolia they search for ways of modernization of the professional education. It is connected with the fact that the old educational system can’t meet the existing social and economic requirements: country’s transition to market economy; renewal of manufacturing; democratization of government agencies. Therefore it is important to analyze and summarize contemporary ways of defining the function of the professional and technical education in Mongolia, the issues dealing with the developing of mathematical education contents, the search of efficiency criteria of education, etc. The purpose of this article is to find innovation processes which occur within the professional education in Mongolia, to examine possible ways of developing mathematical education contents that would create the conditions fot the growth of students’ individual and intellectual possibilities. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical research let us emphasize some requirements for developing of mathematical education contents in institutions of the given type: training on methods of mathematical modeling in solving applied problems; pattern tracking of mathematical notions development in the process of training; ensuring conditions for students’ independence development.
Keywords: professional education, function of the professional and technical education, education contents, educational texts
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 163 — 168
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